Dawn Camp @Camp Skipping Pig
1776 Torrey Hill Rd
Java Center, NY 14082
fax: n/a
Your vet will need detailed information in order to diagnose and determine course of treatment. The more info you can provide, the easier his job will be. Let’s start with the basics. DO NOT waste time seeking advice on social media. You will recieve many opinions, from dangerous, to useless, to "I'll pray for him" may even find one or two actually helpful. Sorting the bad and useless advice from the good will cost time and possibly your pig's life. Some problems will resolve on their own, others are life threatening if not addressed immediately.
Be aware of what is normal for your pig and pay close attention if something doesn't seem quite right. It is advisable to feed and check the pig at least twice a day. Illness can come on quickly and many hours may be lost between noticing a problem and getting treatment. It could cost the pig its life.
Normal Values for Pot Bellied Pigs.
Rectal Temperature: 99 – 102 degrees.
Respiration: 20 – 30 breaths per minute.
Heart Rate / Pulse: 70 – 100 beats per minute.
AGE________ WEIGHT______ BODY CONDITION:_____thin ______normal _____obese______
SEX_____spayed/neutered VACCINATED:_____ (y/n) FOR WHAT?_____________when?______
LAST DEWORMED_______ With what?_________________
GENERAL HEALTH:________________________________________________________________
AVAILABILITY OF: ___good shelter, ___fresh water, ___pool or wallow, ___shade
REGULAR DIET IS:______________________________ frequency________ quantity_________
ACCESS TO TOXINS? Household or plants?___________________________________________
OTHER NOTES:_________________________________________________________________
* TAKE PIG’S TEMPERATURE every 6 hours and document it
F 95-97 98-99 100-101 102-103 104 & up
C 35-36 36.5-37 38-39 39-39.5 40 & up
SYMPTOMS and WHEN FIRST NOTICED date____________ AM___PM___
* EATING ____ eating well ____slightly off feed ____refusing food altogether
* DRINKING ____ drinking well ____drinking less ____not drinking at all
* LETHARGIC ____active ____slightly ____moderately ____down/not up at all
* LESIONS/SPOTS/HIVES on body… possible Erysipelas, must treat immediately!
* BREATHING ____normal ____slightly rapid ____labored ____open mouth/panting
* COUGH ____none ____slight/infrequent ____frequent/hard
Describe…dry cough, gagging, etc.__________________________
*NASAL DISCHARGE ____none ____slight drainage ____heavy drainage
discharge is ____clear/watery___clear/thick ____Yellow/green & thick ___bloody
*URINATION____normal frequency/amount ___reduced ___straining/little or nothing passing
Color of urine ____watery clear ____light yellow ____med. yellow ____Dark/concentrated
*DEFECATION ____normal frequency and amount ____reduced ____straining/little nothing passing
Describe manure: ___ normally formed balls ___tube-like ___very soft/unformed
____ diarrhea/some control ____watery/no control
Describe color:____norm. green/brown __black ____bloody
* VOMITING indicates a problem. Pigs do not normally vomit, as a dog or cat might. A single incident may be due to choke. Multiple incidents indicate something more serious and could even indicate a blockage. Note if the vomit appears to be...
____undigested ____partially digested
* TREMBLING may indicate pig is chilled or in pain.
* ABDOMEN ____normal/soft ____full/firm ____distended hard
Reaction when palpated… ____none/not painful ____some/uncomfortable ____strong/painful
* LAMENESS ____slight ____moderate ____severe ____will not bear weight
Swelling? ____none ____moderate ____severe
Heat? ____ none ____moderate ____severe
Onset? ____gradual ____sudden
* BACK INJURY ____ difficulty walking ____spine may curve ____unable to stand
* DIPPITY PIG may appear to be a back injury. Symptoms range from mild to severe, including screaming and falling. Pig will “dip” back in pain. Lesions, typically like tiger stripes may appear on back. Alarming but usually resolves on own in 24-48 hours, sometimes longer. Can recur. Keep pig quiet, in dim area, out of sun. Speculation as to cause includes stress, sun, unknown cause. Usually seen in pigs under three years but can occur at any age. Discuss pain management with vet.
* HEAT STRESS Can be fatal if not treated. Cool with damp towels and fan. Do not use ice as it can constrict blood vessels and make maters worse.
*SALT POISONING Can be fatal if untreated. Simplifird description...Caused by ingesting salt laden feed, water deprivation then being allowed to overfill on water which cause cells to swell, including brain cells. Neurological symptoms
Bears watching, may need veterinarian.
Should be seen by veterinarian
Red Alert Must be treated. RISK OF DEATH!
Here is also a GREAT link to valuable information for anyone who wants or who already has a pet pig
Save it as a "Favorite" for quick reference!
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Dawn Camp @Camp Skipping Pig
1776 Torrey Hill Rd
Java Center, NY 14082
fax: n/a