Dawn Camp @Camp Skipping Pig
1776 Torrey Hill Rd
Java Center, NY 14082
fax: n/a
There are no available pigs from Camp Skipping Pig.
Shopping for a TEA CUP, MICRO MINI, or other miniscule pig?
Please be aware...THEY DON'T EXIST! They are just a means to part you from your money! Contact a number of rescues to get the truth, BEFORE YOU BUY! See our links page for referals. We have absolutely no reason to lie about the actual size of these pigs...the breeders DO!!! There are almost always piglets available through the rescues, too...born to pregnant rescued mothers.
I no longer attempt to adopt out rescued pigs. The home checks, followups, etc. are all very time consuming and difficult for me to do.
Also, rehoming is very stressful to a pig, especially once it is settled into a home.
Adoptable pigs are available from other sanctuaries and shelters to approved homes with home checks, personal and veterinary references.
The property must be zoned for pet pigs and documentation provided as proof.
Pigs will not be placed in homes in the suburbs or with people in apartments, rental properties or mobile home parks, nor in a home where there isn't enough property to accommodate a sufficiently sized outdoor pen for the pig as an adult, as these situations cause the most frequent need for re-homing.
Secure fencing is a must, as is an area large enough to provide the pig plenty of room to "be a pig". Popular powder coated dog kennels available at farm and pet stores are NOT large enough to be used as a full time pen and are acceptable only as an area to confine the pig overnight or for safety reasons. Inexpensive chain link kennels are simply not strong enough to contain a pig, even a small one. As a rule, even our smallest outdoor pens are at least 50 feet long and 20 feet wide. These are used for the special needs pigs who aren't as active as the others. The larger pens start at 80 feet long and about 40 feet wide and extend to many acres. Combination panels are our preferred fencing. They're high enough to discourage predators and solid enough to contain most pigs. The bottom mesh is close enough together to keep out most smaller animals that wander through, such as coons, skunks, and possums, and keep in most young (therefore smaller) pigs.
Dinky travels in style in a custom pet carrier.
Pigs WILL NOT stay small enough to be carried around like this as adults!
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Dawn Camp @Camp Skipping Pig
1776 Torrey Hill Rd
Java Center, NY 14082
fax: n/a